Tag: access

Setting new report sestava07

Setting new report

Access Reports are designed for printouts. The proposed structure of the graphical elements is filled with data from tables or queries, and printed on paper like Word documents. The difference between the reports and forms is mainly in the fact that the report do not serves to edit the data, make changes, deleting or inserting records. Reports […]

Setting new form form04

Setting new form

Forms of Access serve as a user interface, which allows us to easily inspect the data, modify it, add entries etc. Additionally, it can include graphic objects – pictures, charts, controls, and even conditional formatting. When properly adjusted, related forms in Access can have individuals or small and medium-sized businesses comprehensive application tailored. If this guide has helped […]

Setting new query qry1

Setting new query

To get information from tables are designed Queries. This object in Access gets the data from tables or other queries like filters in Excel, but at a much more advanced level. Queries can not only filter but also to count, group, and even make multiple changes in tables – eg. increasing the price of all products. If […]

Setting new table 0

Setting new table

In the created database it is good to start with tables because without them the database does not make sense. In previous article you could read how to set up a new database. Now we look at the creation of tables, working again with version 2010. Access is not limited by number of rows in a […]

Setting new database db1

Setting new database

Microsoft Access is used to create and manage databases. Generally, it is a higher level of Excel because Access does not have limitations on the number of records in tables, and links between the tables is created more efficiently than in Excel – using relations. The database is a collection of related data objects and […]

Training Access access

Training Access

Training description On this training, students will learn techniques for practical use of Microsoft Access and control of database objects, including theoretical introduction to the world of databases. A list of topics is provided below. Topics are presented by the trainer, then he answers any questions from the audience about the topic and then students […]

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