First look at Microsoft Office 16

Information about the upcoming new version of office package Microsoft Office appeared on the internet, with the numerical designation of Office 16. It is not yet known when the new version comes out, it can be assumed to be in the year 2015/2016 (new Office comes around every 3 years). The news came from server. Let’s see what news are already tested in a version of “Office Technical Preview,” please not that it is not a final version.

“Tell me” assistant

The first new feature in the desktop version of the new Office should be new help system, that is currently appearing in the actual test version of Microsoft Office. The tool is called “Tell me” and it can be compared to an animated assistant that was available in versions 2003 and earlier. It will be used to help searching application and should be simpler than the current help system in which users can easily get lost. In the search box user enters a desired term or sentense, that he need to help with and the “Tell me” assistant should find the relevant help. For example: “How do I insert a picture?”. But it will not be represented by animated characters, but so far by a little light sign.

Office Tell me
Office Tell me (source

Dark design

One of the other changes should be dark appearance that darkens user interface and can be much more user friendly. People had complained that in the 2013 version their icons visually merge in a white environment because everything looks the same. As we know, the requirement for a dark theme was one of the most desirable after release of Office 2013. In the next version it should therefore be available, but it will not be the default design. Users will be able to change it in the application setting. Do you like it?

More features to come

Among the planned innovations also include:

  • Automatically rotate images to the correct position, according to information from the camera (metadata orientation when shooting).
  • Synchronization download interval of messages in Outlook on 1, 3, 7 and 14 days.

There are not so many changes yet as you can see. Suppose us to buy a new package, Microsoft convinces something else interesting. What would you welcome in the new release?

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